Thursday, 20 December 2012

My Epic Facepalm Moment!

Ok - so this is one of my epic dumb moments I had with my bff Chloe! I only found out the other day that oranges had STALKS! I mean, they don't sell them with stalks do they? So I just assumed they didn't have them! Apparently that was just me being really dumb, but then Chloe said "If oranges didn't have stalks, how would they grow on trees?" And I was like "Oranges grow on trees...?" LOL epic facepalm moment! :-P

1 comment:

  1. They sell some with stalks.. but mostly they fall off. hehe
    THEN U DIDNT KNOW WHAT FACEPALM WAS!!!! ur so you really! not in a lesbo way though! um..i think i'll stop typing now this is getting awks xD
